From our Journal

A strange Spring in Val d'Algone

After Sunday's remarkable snowfall ( may 5th) a soft blanket of snow covered the green pastures, but Mother Nature took her course as if nothing had happened.

Nevertheless, the small buds open, the leaves continue to paint the trees a light green, dressing the once naked trees...and in the undergrowth, the first fruits that this wonderful terrain quite unexpectedly offers its inhabitants can be found.

This is the ideal moment for collecting some of natures best treasures, discovered by past generations who, with experience, were able to identify the edible species from the poisonous ones.

In some places in the Val d'Algone it is possible to come across small meadows full of wild garlic. It's easily recognizable by the strong aroma of garlic that can be smelt in the air. If you look closely, you'll see the shiny, dark leaves.. Allium ursinum ( its latin name) is a wild version of the common garlic that we all know and use.

It's a spontaneous bulbous perennial that grows in humid environments and bears love it!! It is actually one of the first things they eat when they come out from hibernation.

Studies have shown that it was used in ancient times, thanks to its versatility and abundance: a few leaves ( the young ones are the best) give a delicious pesto for a mouthwatering pasta dish. It can also be dried and powdered and added to various sauces and dishes.

Careful, wild garlic is closely related to the lily of the valley. The latter is highly toxic......if in doubt rub the your sense of smell.

For the more expert and patient of you, well, this is the time to look for mountain asparagus. Strangely enough, they are called asparagus, but have nothing to do with this family of's only the form that resembles the better known asparagus L'Aruncus diocus , ( its latin name) is in fact a whitish- reddish sprout found in the woods at 1500m. It should be picked before its leaves open. It's easily identified because it usually grows near the previous year's plant, (if it hasn't been uprooted). This plant resembles a tall stick which terminates with an inflorescence that dries up and resists the winter months. These wild asparagus are often eaten with boiled eggs and the more willing preserve them in oil.

The discovery of these small hidden wonders offered by Nature is always a rewarding experience. It's not only the actual physical action of going out to find food to survive as our ancestors did, but it's a deeper search. It's a ritual that is repeated, almost unchanged, for centuries that consolidates the relationship of mutual friendship and respect between man and mountains.

PS. We recommend you rely on the advice of an expert before eating any food found in the mountains.